Colin was born in Sydney, Australia, growing up in the south-western suburbs. He pretty much had a normal childhood, but at the age of 16 began to get restless with a growing dissatisfaction in life.

This sent him on a hunt for something more, and it wasn’t long before Colin was introduced to the drugs, spending the next four years experimenting with different kinds of substances.

Though not realising it at first, Colin’s experience with drugs was actually the result of a deep inner cry and subsequent search for reality. He eventually found that his quest for satisfaction in drugs was really an attempt to escape from a ‘reality’ that was totally without meaning without Jesus Christ.

At 20 years of age, Colin found Christ and the reality he had been looking for brought a love, a joy and a peace that nothing else ever came close to. He calls it complete fulfillment, totally satisfying and new every day. It’s now more than 35 years since that decision was made and it is just as new each day as it was on that first day.


Immediately after accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, Colin sensed a real call of God on his life, knowing that God was going to use him in a great way for the ‘work of the ministry’ in preaching and teaching the Word of God to people in need around the world.

A little over a year later Colin enrolled in LIFE Bible College, Sydney graduating three years later with a Diploma in Theology. By the end of Bible College, he had already commenced work in the ministry, giving two days a week serving and being mentored while also leading Bible Studies, Outreach, Personal Evangelism and Sharing God’s Word.

It wasn’t long before Colin was called by the Lord to launch out and plant a church in Mittagong, NSW. It was there he met and married his wife of 23 years, Debra. This was to be the first of many new church plant’s before God called him into itinerant ministry which saw him travel to many international and domestic locations, seeing the amazing works of God, saving thousands of souls for the kingdom and confirming the Word with signs and wonders following.

In August 2002, Colin moved to Newcastle, NSW with his family to take the role of Lead Pastor at New Hope Community Church. Since arriving the church has been revolutionized, reaching out to the community, providing food and clothing for the needy, organising and running community outreaches and events including Carols, Vibe Youth Outreach, and more recently our Christmas Lights Spectacular, to get the message of Jesus Christ out to the lost and lonely.

Reaching the world for Christ is the very heartbeat of Colin Grigg’s life and ministry. It is this life-force that has been the drive behind the inception of this new radio programme, New Hope for Life! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God – Romans 10:17.

We sincerely pray that you are blessed!