We are here because we have a sincere desire to see you living in the victorious, powerful life-experience that Jesus Christ meant for you!

Many of us today live far below the expectations of scripture and wonder why. We’re driven with the wind and tossed by every circumstance. Our world is in chaos, being sucked down more each day into the abyss of selfishness, emotionalism and, an if-it-feels-good-do-it attitude. We want our dreams fulfilled and we want them fulfilled now! We aren’t real interested in waiting and we will tend to climb over the top of anyone to get it. Even after all this, we are more dissatisfied than ever. People are getting more desperate every day, and in the hunt, love goes out the door, with almost no regard for our fellow humans, we only see others as the competition. We get frustrated and angry, and sadly in increasing numbers, people are taking more desperate measures than ever, often leading to actions that devastate families and friends.

By God’s grace, we will demonstrate to you the way back. The how tos and wherefors that lead to a life of true, abiding love, joy and peace in the storm. The Bible teaches that the only way we can overcome and be more than conquerors is to walk in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In order to do this we need to treat Jesus as the most important person in our lives, bar none. Victorious living comes as a result of putting Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Bible first before everything else. He must be Lord of our lives in actions, not just in words.

We pray that you will be truly blessed by God as you listen to the teachings of the Bible presented by Pastor Colin Grigg.

New Hope for Life can be heard each Sunday morning at 9am on Rhema FM, Newcastle 99.7fm.

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