20th November 2011: Cause and Effect
Where there is sin, there will be death, where there is unforgiveness, there is bitterness etc. Keep clear of the Cause and you won't suffer the consequence of the Effect.
Where there is sin, there will be death, where there is unforgiveness, there is bitterness etc. Keep clear of the Cause and you won't suffer the consequence of the Effect.
The Little Foxes (habits) that we allow are an obstruction to the Kingdom of God and a threat to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The Little Foxes (habits) that we allow are an obstruction to the Kingdom of God and a threat to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
God is not logical. He doesn't fit into our natural reasoning or expectations. That's why we need to lay aside our way of doing things and totally submit to His.
The power of praise is an amazing thing. It's not just something that lifts up God in our own hearts, but it's something that glorifies God by releasing His presence…
There's a pseudo-Christianity that is permeating the church. It's Christianity without prayer. It's Christianity without the Bible. It's Christianity without the leading of the Holy Spirit. But without faith in…
Faith is not flimsy! Faith is confidence, faith is trust, faith is assurance. It's God's assurance that everything will be okay.
There will be times when you are treated unfairly, dishonoured and maligned for things you haven't done. The Word of God is clear, 'Stay the course!'
There will be times when you are treated unfairly, dishonoured and maligned for things you haven't done. The Word of God is clear, 'Stay the course!'